A preview of the scaled UI is displayed next to the slider. Restart InDesign to apply the updated settings. In general, high-resolution monitors need a higher scaling factor. UI: Adjust the UI sizing slider to increase or decrease the scaling of the UI based on your requirement.In the User Interface Scaling dialog, use the following options to customize the Interface: (macOS) Select InDesign > Preferences > User Interface Scaling.(Win) Select Edit > Preferences > User Interface Scaling.Note: UI scaling is not supported on screens with low resolution. Elements of the user interface are scaled accordingly, making for comfortable viewing on high-resolution monitors. When you launch InDesign with fresh preference settings, it identifies your screen resolution and adjusts the application’s UI scaling accordingly. Print thumbnails and oversized documentsĬonfigure scaling preferences in InDesign to uniformly scale the user interface based on your screen resolution.InDesign cloud documents | Common questions.Find and replace using GREP expressions and queries.Create, add, and manage dictionaries and words.Check spelling, autocorrect, and dynamic spelling.
Align and distribute objects using rulers.Understand a basic managed-file workflow.Convert QuarkXPress and PageMaker documents.